To encourage and commend the newer endurance rider who has limited experience. Seniors with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. Beth Bliss was known for being prepared for anything. She was a nurse, a kind and compassionate person. She invited newcomers to join her on rides and was a generous mentor/teacher/coach who loved introducing people tothe sport of endurance. When PNER lost Beth, it was fitting that this award carries her legacy, exemplifying the spirit ofendurance and teamwork that Beth so valued. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The Senior rider with no more than 150 accumulated lifetime miles(endurance and/or limited distance) on January 1 is eligible to compete for this award. The minimum completionrequirement applies. An enrollment form must be submitted to the Awards Coordinator at no later than August 1. THOSE ENROLLED AS OF 8/1/2021: Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | Minimum Eligibility Met | Previous Year Mileage |
1 | Chelsea Ramsey | 9838 | 115 | Yes | | 2 | Megan Sweeney | 9299 | 90 | Yes | 25 | 3 | Holly Phalen | 4570 | 80 | Yes | | 4 | Sarah Aleshire | 9865 | 75 | Yes | | 5 | Alyssa Wolfe | 9867 | 75 | No | | 6 | Debbie Ramsey | 9552 | 65 | No | | 7 | Forrest Tancer | 4918 | 50 | No | 75 | 8 | Tiffany Mayes | 9853 | 50 | No | | 9 | Darla Westlake | 954 | 50 | No | 50 | 10 | Lynn Willecke | 9601 | 30 | No | 25 | 11 | Rachelle Tanner | 4531 | 25 | No | | 12 | Kirsten Seyferth | 9321 | 25 | No | 80 | 13 | Kristina Graham | 9535 | 25 | No | 25 | 14 | Brandi Burk | 9622 | 25 | No | | 15 | Cori Quillan | 9277 | 25 | No | 75 | 16 | D'Ann Nash | 4759 | 25 | No | 100 |