2023 Rider Awards

Top 3 High Mileage Senior

Seniors with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized.  
Multiple horses may be ridden.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies.


PlaceMemberNamePNERidTotalMilesRideYearMinimum Eligibility Met
1Mari Smultea38668752023Yes
2Kristen Grace41158202023Yes
3Sara Anderson99698152023Yes
4Marlene Moss46137602023Yes
5Nance Worman28626202023Yes
6David Laws47045802023Yes
7Julie Bittick96435552023Yes
8Stace Moss46145502023Yes
9Stephanie Delahunt98884402023Yes
10Jody Shumway44554302023Yes
11Melissa Laws39234302023Yes
12Tara Quinn93464102023Yes
13Nicole Kinsey38024002023Yes
14Suzanne Hayes8834002023Yes
15Carmen Jackson94943852023Yes
16Lynn Atcheson47613802023Yes
17Lisa Cohen92483752023Yes
18Shelah Wetter49403502023Yes
19Krista Gerdes60763452023Yes
20Holly Rouska41253452023Yes
21Simone Mauhl49783352023Yes
22Tani Bates22713302023Yes
23Danielle Delamater93643302023Yes
24Paul Latiolais35163302023Yes
25Siri Olson33543302023Yes
26Julie Serres36733252023Yes
27Leilani Nichols102423252023Yes
28Darlene Merlich26143102023Yes
29Kim Elkins44863102023Yes
30Cindi Weist97112902023Yes
31Debbie Johnston46332852023Yes
32Michaela Justine Andrews46982852023Yes
33Alexandra Gesheva60992802023Yes
34Sarah Hockett47092802023Yes
35Mike Cobbley45732702023Yes
36Sheri Weast96682602023Yes
37Jessica Valtierra96512602023Yes
38Jennifer Kaplan42982552023Yes
39Rebecca Lengtat49462552023Yes
40R.G. Root12472552023Yes
41Cheri Van Bebber49772352023Yes
42Mindy Wolfe81502302023Yes
43Layne Lewis28682302023Yes
44Guy Cheek22302302023Yes
45Mary Krauss Berner42252252023Yes
46Lindsay Fisher96672152023Yes
47Katrin Levermann42312052023Yes
48Sandra Cheek10052052023Yes
49Birte Ferguson45072052023Yes
50Gina Rice98732052023Yes
51Cristina Vaughan101242052023Yes
52Max Merlich37632002023Yes
53Jamethiel Morse47302002023Yes
54Leah Cain96332002023Yes
55Liesl Lemke49032002023Yes
56Charlotte Morgan38141952023Yes
57Kathleen Ratcliff46241952023Yes
58Brenna Mayer41111902023Yes
59James Robertson44241902023Yes
60Alexandra Lewis44771852023Yes
61Jennifer Jacobson47361802023Yes
62Kelsey Corey49231802023Yes
63Erin Putnam46011802023Yes
64Jo Christensen46931802023Yes
65Beth Meenaghan95511802023Yes
66Laura Spear71621752023Yes
67Stephanie Kuo101091652023Yes
68Tamara Baysinger97201602023Yes
69Catherine Cook60311602023Yes
70Sarah Martin101331602023Yes
71David Steckler49371602023Yes
72Amy Carrier99791502023Yes
73Carol Giles10041502023Yes
74Elayne Barclay41121502023Yes
75Susan McLain9101402023Yes
76Karen Bumgarner3821402023Yes
77Merri Melde49631302023Yes
78Kathy Thompson42651302023Yes
79Susan Kellogg44001302023Yes
80Jamie Hughes46081302023Yes
81Bianca Chevalier34981302023Yes
82Glen Siver71561302023Yes
83Shoshana Baird103761252023Yes
84Sherry Andrus98151152023Yes
85Darcy Bean18381102023Yes
86Beth Nicholes45641102023Yes
87Laila McKune103561102023Yes
88Shayne Russell100791052023Yes
89Sally Melendrez98581052023Yes
90Alexis Berryman49011052023Yes
91Julie Barnfather23771052023Yes
92Curtis Allen49681052023Yes
93Vanessa Veitch46411052023Yes
94Lynn Marks103721002023No
95Carrie Johnson32441002023Yes
96Becky Osborne34591002023Yes
97Vicki Nickels49171002023Yes
98Shelley Kerr49361002023No
99Holly Wantuch95761002023Yes
100Kevin Eichhorn4299852023Yes
101Kember Skaggs10321852023Yes
102Naomi Preston3922802023No
103Martha Graham6157802023Yes
104Jala Neufeld4417802023Yes
105Vickie Hogen9825802023No
106Lee Pearce3921802023No
107Dana Gillihan10303802023No
108Anne Aganon3935802023No
109Bonnie Girod4945802023No
110Karen Steenhof1319802023Yes
111Kristine Hanes4941802023No
112Kathleen Dunham Pillo3965752023No
113Jackelyn Hafla6114752023Yes
114Chris Sprague4942752023No
115Lucas Cramer4902752023No
116Rhonda Pearce9362752023No
117Sharalyn Hay4438752023No
118Jillane Baros9776752023No
119Kay Ickes4755752023No
120Shelley Mathews4970752023No
121Stacy James-Ryan10103752023Yes
122Mellisa Donaldson9636752023No
123Nicola Maughn6174752023No
124Shannon Bebeau9354602023No
125Deliene Sellers9289552023No
126Barbara Ott1557552023No
127Jessica Wilson10306552023No
128April Depuy3271552023No
129Don Depuy3270552023No
130Nick McDonald6068552023No
131Cassee Terry4892552023No
132David Lewis4401552023No
133Melissa Sullivan9934552023No
134Jessica Cobbley4572552023No
135Nicholis Egbert10340502023No
136Amy Jones9812502023No
137Jennifer Ferguson9325502023No
138Lori Van Zuyen4546502023No
139Ona Lawrence1542502023No
140Monica Moss10300502023No
141Joanne Macaluso6188502023No
142Christina Kramlich Bowie9986502023No
143Kristin Ojala10329502023No
144Robin Redman4508502023No
145Debra Mills9877502023No
146Heather Wimer4403502023No
147Elizabeth Ecklund4715502023No
148Karen Pate9631502023No
149Bobbi Walker4687502023No
150Sarah Murt10324352023No
151Terre O'Brennan1546352023No
152Kristin McCabe10378302023No
153Joy Girod9906302023No
154Tarra Gray10301302023No
155Lorna Christopherson4482302023No
156Libby Kalkoske2863302023No
157Julie Otis10307302023No
158Jillian Sparkes3903302023No
159Teresa Dixon10032302023No
160Lisa Lynn Slater4712302023No
161Sara Campbell4748252023No
162Crystal Chung4663252023No
163Rachel Kim Herrick4884252023No
164Kara Henry3651252023No
165Riley Homer10325252023No
166Chris Samson2122252023No
167Sheri Cook4452252023No
168Joan Zachary4948252023No
169Terri Powell4589252023No
170Sian Case10101252023No
171Ellen Nicholes10319252023No
172Nora Mains9318252023No
173Heide Krause6170252023No
174Dana Duchene4590252023No
175Carol Hassebroek4750252023No
176Brooke Castillo10478252023No

Top 3 High Mileage Young Rider

Young Riders with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized.  Multiple horses may be ridden.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies.


PlaceMemberNamePNERidTotalMilesRideYearMinimum Eligibility Met
1Laura Rheingans98463602023Yes
2Saylor Mayer45913102023Yes
3Greta Berner42721752023Yes
4Katie Daley99821002023No
5Ansley McCabe81581002023No

Top 3 High Mileage Junior

Junior with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. 
Multiplehorses may be ridden.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies


PlaceMemberNamePNERidTotalMilesRideYearMinimum Eligibility Met
1Joslynn Terry48965852023Yes
2Roriana Lengtat98575352023Yes
3Clara Shumway47374302023Yes
4Emilee Randal Jr101122852023Yes
5Jayli Mayer47702502023Yes
6Aaby Lavway101082102023Yes
7Hailey Fisher99281852023Yes
8Nicole Mayfield46481502023Yes
9Bentley French103081252023Yes
10Pippa Morgan10322852023Yes
11Ava Depizzol9800802023Yes
12Avery Rose Marie Gerdes9624552023No
13Tanner Hamilton10146552023No
14Georgia Glidden4944552023No
15Olivia Ferguson9324502023No
16Teslin Lemke9253502023No
17Brianna Girod9589302023No

Top 5 Golden Years

Golden Years riders (age 65 or older as of January 1) with the highest total accumulated points        
(endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized.  Multiple horses may be ridden.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  The minimum completion requirement applies.


PlaceMemberNamePNERIDTotalPointsMinimum Eligibility Met
1Suzanne Hayes8831105Yes
2Nance Worman2862811.875Yes
3Lisa Cohen9248713.5Yes
4Paul Latiolais3516438.5Yes
5Max Merlich3763435Yes
6R.G. Root1247376Yes
7Sandra Cheek1005333.75Yes
8Carol Giles1004325Yes
9Kathy Thompson4265316.5Yes
10Susan Kellogg4400288Yes
11Charlotte Morgan3814259.5Yes
12Carrie Johnson3244237.5Yes
13Karen Bumgarner382192Yes
14Curtis Allen4968175.5Yes
15Susan McLain910172.5Yes
16Darcy Bean1838159Yes
17Lynn Marks10372150No
18Nick McDonald6068150No
19Karen Steenhof1319138Yes
20Bianca Chevalier3498136Yes
21Martha Graham6157135Yes
22Mellisa Donaldson9636112.5No
23Nicola Maughn6174112.5No
24Becky Osborne3459110Yes
25Naomi Preston392280No
26Kay Ickes475580No
27Lee Pearce392180No
28Karen Pate963165No
29Terre O'Brennan154663No
30Deliene Sellers928962.5No
31Ona Lawrence154260No
32April Depuy327155No
33Barbara Ott155755No
34Bobbi Walker468752.5No
35Carol Hassebroek475045No
36Joan Zachary494835No
37Lorna Christopherson448230No
38Nora Mains931827.5No
39Chris Samson212225No
40Joyce Sousa92720No
41Jackie Everett49540No
42Karen Vining8410No

My First 100 - Sponsored by Charleen Farrell

A rider of any age having completed their first one-day 100-mile event is celebrated.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The first completed one-day 100-mile event must be witin the PNER region
and the minimum completion requirement does not apply.  An enrollment submittal must be sent to the Awards 
Coordinator at awards@pner.net by December 1 to verify eligibility requirements have been met.  A list of eligible
recipients will be forwarded to the award sponsor.

Junior 100-Mile - Sponsored by Layne Lewis

Any Junior rider completing a one-day 100-mile event within the PNER region is honored.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  The minimum completion requirement does not apply.

Beth Bliss Memorial Top 3 High Mileage Novice Senior

To encourage and commend the newer endurance rider who has limited experience.  Seniors with the 
highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized.  Multiple horses 
may be ridden.

Beth Bliss was known for being prepared for anything.  She was a nurse, a kind and compassionate 
person. She invited newcomers to join her on rides and was a generous mentor/teacher/coach who 
loved introducing people tothe sport of endurance.  When PNER lost Beth, it was fitting that this 
award carries her legacy, exemplifying the spirit ofendurance and teamwork that Beth so valued.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  The Senior rider with no more than 150 accumulated 
lifetime miles(endurance and/or limited distance) on January 1 is eligible to compete for this award.  
The minimum completionrequirement applies.  

This was previously an award requiring a nomination form. Since it was often overlooked, it has now
been automated. If you are not in the list below, but believe you should be, please contact points@pnet.net.

Eligible Riders:

PlaceMemberNamePNERidTotalMilesMinimum Eligibility MetPrevious Year Mileage
1Laila McKune10356110Yes
2Lynn Marks10372100No
3Dana Gillihan1030380No
4Mellisa Donaldson963675No0
5Cassee Terry489255No50
6Debra Mills987750No0
7Jennifer Ferguson932550No25
8Monica Moss1030050No
9Nicholis Egbert1034050No
10Sarah Murt1032435No
11Joy Girod990630No90
12Julie Otis1030730No
13Lisa Lynn Slater471230No0
14Brooke Castillo1047825No
15Sian Case1010125No25
16Rachel Kim Herrick488425No
17Riley Homer1032525No

Top 3 High Mileage Novice Junior

To encourage and commend the newer endurance rider who has limited experience.  Juniors with the 
highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized.  Multiple horses 
may be ridden.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  The Junior rider with no more than 300 accumulated 
lifetime miles(endurance and/or limited distance) on January 1 is eligible to compete for this award.  
The minimum completion requirement applies.

This was previously an award requiring a nomination form. Since it was often overlooked, it has now
been automated. If you are not in the list below, but believe you should be, please contact points@pnet.net.  

PlaceMemberNamePNERidTotalMilesMinimum Eligibility MetPrevious Year Mileage
1Pippa Morgan1032285Yes
2Brianna Girod9589150No30
3Teslin Lemke9253150No180
4Avery Rose Marie Gerdes9624110No
5Tanner Hamilton10146110No30
6Olivia Ferguson932450No25