To encourage PNER members to travel across our region, foster relationships between PNER members, and support PNER rides/ride managers. Any senior or junior PNER member completing a ride of 25 or more miles at any PNER recognized event on any horse. In order to qualify for this award, at least one ride must be completed in each of the following states/provinces: British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. The minimum mileage requirements do not apply. Active PNER membership is required at the time of each ride completion. This is a once-per-lifetime award. Eligibility and completions are tracked from year to year, beginning in the 2024 season. RideStates | Rider | ride_state |
4 | Laura Rheingans | ID,MT,OR,WA | 3 | Clara Shumway | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Danielle Delamater | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Emilee Randal | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Erin Putnam | ID,OR,WA | 3 | James Robertson | MT,OR,WA | 3 | Jo Christensen | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Jody Shumway | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Kim Elkins | ID,MT,WA | 3 | Leah Cain | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Liz Akar | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Lynn Atcheson | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Marlene Moss | BC,ID,OR | 3 | Nance Worman | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Nicole Kinsey | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Rebecca Lengtat | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Roriana Lengtat | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Rory Lengtat | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Rose Corey | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Samantha Cruson | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Simone Mauhl | ID,OR,WA | 3 | Suzanne Hayes | ID,OR,WA |