Current News!
Check this space for future important announcements that you might have missed on Facebook or in the Newsletter.
New to endurance? Sign up for a Boot Camp in Sisters OR May 17-18. Details here!
Did you know PNER has a scholarship program? Anyone can apply! It's easy and instructions can be found here!
On 18 December, 2024 the PNER BOD voted to support our Canadian riders with "at par" pricing for Convention and Membership. Simply enter CANADA in the Discount code field in the shopping cart. This is only for Canadian residents, if others try to use they'll find out their membership won't be current. ;-)
Here's a list of the 2025 PNER BOD meeting dates. All will begin at 6:30 pm and you can reach out to your state representative or follow links on FB for the call details.
March 26
June 11
September 24
December 10
Are you having a hard time finding your favorite PNER links? We are rearranging some things with the ultimate goal of it being easier to find things versus scanning 19 (!) Categories, especially since we're looking for some new themes and most don't work well with this many categories. If it doesn't seem easier to find the most used links, there's a Quick Links page for just the most used pages. Ultimately we want people to be able to see the things they didn't know existed as well as the couple things they only thought they cared about! ;-) Feedback is welcome!