Top 3 High Mileage SeniorSeniors with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies. Standings:
Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | RideYear | Minimum Eligibility Met |
1 | Nance Worman | 2862 | 770 | 2022 | Yes | 2 | Debbie Johnston | 4633 | 740 | 2022 | Yes | 3 | Mari Smultea | 3866 | 590 | 2022 | Yes | 4 | Marlene Moss | 4613 | 570 | 2022 | Yes | 5 | David Laws | 4704 | 535 | 2022 | Yes | 6 | Elayne Barclay | 4112 | 530 | 2022 | Yes | 7 | Kristen Grace | 4115 | 510 | 2022 | Yes | 8 | Lynn Atcheson | 4761 | 510 | 2022 | Yes | 9 | Sara Anderson | 9969 | 510 | 2022 | Yes | 10 | Tani Bates | 2271 | 475 | 2022 | Yes | 11 | Darlene Merlich | 2614 | 435 | 2022 | Yes | 12 | Stace Moss | 4614 | 410 | 2022 | Yes | 13 | Mike Cobbley | 4573 | 410 | 2022 | Yes | 14 | Stephanie Delahunt | 9888 | 405 | 2022 | Yes | 15 | Nicole Kinsey | 3802 | 380 | 2022 | Yes | 16 | Lisa Cohen | 9248 | 365 | 2022 | Yes | 17 | Laura Spear | 7162 | 360 | 2022 | Yes | 18 | Max Merlich | 3763 | 355 | 2022 | Yes | 19 | Connie Holloway | 4527 | 335 | 2022 | Yes | 20 | Sandra Cheek | 1005 | 330 | 2022 | Yes | 21 | R.G. Root | 1247 | 310 | 2022 | Yes | 22 | Melissa Laws | 3923 | 310 | 2022 | Yes | 23 | Erin Putnam | 4601 | 310 | 2022 | Yes | 24 | Layne Lewis | 2868 | 300 | 2022 | Yes | 25 | Celena Pentrack | 4206 | 285 | 2022 | Yes | 26 | Jennifer Kaplan | 4298 | 285 | 2022 | Yes | 27 | Carrie Johnson | 3244 | 280 | 2022 | Yes | 28 | Siri Olson | 3354 | 280 | 2022 | Yes | 29 | Alexandra Fetterman | 9885 | 280 | 2022 | Yes | 30 | Sheri Weast | 9668 | 275 | 2022 | Yes | 31 | Katrin Levermann | 4231 | 275 | 2022 | Yes | 32 | Holly Rouska | 4125 | 270 | 2022 | Yes | 33 | Bianca Chevalier | 3498 | 255 | 2022 | Yes | 34 | Krista Gerdes | 6076 | 255 | 2022 | Yes | 35 | Jo Christensen | 4693 | 250 | 2022 | Yes | 36 | Susan Summers | 1556 | 250 | 2022 | Yes | 37 | Dennis Summers | 1578 | 250 | 2022 | Yes | 38 | Jody Shumway | 4455 | 250 | 2022 | Yes | 39 | Jessica Cobbley | 4572 | 250 | 2022 | Yes | 40 | David Lewis | 4401 | 235 | 2022 | Yes | 41 | Simone Mauhl | 4978 | 235 | 2022 | Yes | 42 | Kelsey Corey | 4923 | 230 | 2022 | Yes | 43 | Julie Serres | 3673 | 230 | 2022 | Yes | 44 | Vicki Nickels | 4917 | 225 | 2022 | Yes | 45 | David Steckler | 4937 | 215 | 2022 | Yes | 46 | Sarah Hockett | 4709 | 215 | 2022 | Yes | 47 | Stephanie Kuo | 10109 | 215 | 2022 | Yes | 48 | Vanessa Veitch | 4641 | 210 | 2022 | Yes | 49 | Bobbi Walker | 4687 | 210 | 2022 | Yes | 50 | Karen Bumgarner | 382 | 210 | 2022 | Yes | 51 | Guy Cheek | 2230 | 205 | 2022 | Yes | 52 | Becky Osborne | 3459 | 205 | 2022 | Yes | 53 | Jillian Sparkes | 3903 | 205 | 2022 | Yes | 54 | Heather Wimer | 4403 | 205 | 2022 | Yes | 55 | Brenna Mayer | 4111 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 56 | Rebecca Lengtat | 4946 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 57 | Alexandra Gesheva | 6099 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 58 | Holly Wantuch | 9576 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 59 | Lynne Mahoney | 3808 | 190 | 2022 | Yes | 60 | Jessica Veal | 4773 | 185 | 2022 | Yes | 61 | Kristy Butler | 9219 | 180 | 2022 | Yes | 62 | Kathleen Dunham Pillo | 3965 | 180 | 2022 | Yes | 63 | Cortney Honan | 4503 | 180 | 2022 | Yes | 64 | Nicola Maughn | 6174 | 175 | 2022 | Yes | 65 | Jeralee Hartman | 9831 | 175 | 2022 | Yes | 66 | Cristina Vaughan | 10124 | 165 | 2022 | Yes | 67 | Siiri Berg | 4890 | 165 | 2022 | Yes | 68 | Nora Mains | 9318 | 160 | 2022 | Yes | 69 | Catherine Cook | 6031 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 70 | Joan Zachary | 4948 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 71 | Jessica Huber | 4669 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 72 | Birte Ferguson | 4507 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 73 | Julie Barnfather | 2377 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 74 | Chris Samson | 2122 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 75 | Carol Giles | 1004 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 76 | Ona Lawrence | 1542 | 150 | 2022 | Yes | 77 | Terre O'Brennan | 1546 | 150 | 2022 | Yes | 78 | Suzanne Hayes | 883 | 150 | 2022 | Yes | 79 | Heidi Talbott | 4719 | 150 | 2022 | Yes | 80 | Danielle Delamater | 9364 | 150 | 2022 | Yes | 81 | Amy Carrier | 9979 | 140 | 2022 | Yes | 82 | Sherry Andrus | 9815 | 135 | 2022 | Yes | 83 | Tara Quinn | 9346 | 135 | 2022 | Yes | 84 | Wade Mauhl | 5970 | 135 | 2022 | Yes | 85 | Kay Ickes | 4755 | 135 | 2022 | Yes | 86 | Kyle Hockett | 4899 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 87 | Jamie Hughes | 4608 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 88 | Denise Wollweber | 9511 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 89 | Kirstin Vanderhoek | 4536 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 90 | Mary Krauss Berner | 4225 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 91 | Anne Aganon | 3935 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 92 | Julie Bittick | 9643 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 93 | Sharalyn Hay | 4438 | 115 | 2022 | Yes | 94 | Janine Engel | 7167 | 110 | 2022 | Yes | 95 | Cheri Van Bebber | 4977 | 110 | 2022 | Yes | 96 | Glen Siver | 7156 | 105 | 2022 | No | 97 | Alexis Berryman | 4901 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 98 | Kevin Eichhorn | 4299 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 99 | Karen Vining | 841 | 105 | 2022 | No | 100 | Beth Skaggs | 1562 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 101 | Vickie Hogen | 9825 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 102 | Sarah Eaketts | 10185 | 105 | 2022 | No | 103 | Alexandra Lewis | 4477 | 100 | 2022 | Yes | 104 | Bonnie Girod | 4945 | 100 | 2022 | No | 105 | Joyce Sousa | 9272 | 100 | 2022 | No | 106 | Carol Hassebroek | 4750 | 90 | 2022 | Yes | 107 | Deliene Sellers | 9289 | 85 | 2022 | Yes | 108 | Lindsey Sears | 4905 | 85 | 2022 | Yes | 109 | Lorna Christopherson | 4482 | 85 | 2022 | Yes | 110 | Susan Kellogg | 4400 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 111 | Charlotte Morgan | 3814 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 112 | Kathy Thompson | 4265 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 113 | Chris Amaral | 7157 | 80 | 2022 | No | 114 | Sally Melendrez | 9858 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 115 | Amy Jones | 9812 | 75 | 2022 | Yes | 116 | Katelyn Baldino | 9898 | 75 | 2022 | No | 117 | Shana Bobbitt | 9930 | 75 | 2022 | Yes | 118 | Lori Van Zuyen | 4546 | 75 | 2022 | No | 119 | Karen Steenhof | 1319 | 75 | 2022 | Yes | 120 | Lois Fox | 2033 | 60 | 2022 | No | 121 | Carlene Benson | 3371 | 60 | 2022 | No | 122 | Kim Elkins | 4486 | 60 | 2022 | No | 123 | Andrew Haddenham | 9372 | 60 | 2022 | No | 124 | Kari Wiens | 9327 | 60 | 2022 | No | 125 | Joy Girod | 9906 | 60 | 2022 | No | 126 | Jillane Baros | 9776 | 55 | 2022 | No | 127 | Adrienne Zachary | 9635 | 55 | 2022 | No | 128 | Leilani Nichols | 10242 | 55 | 2022 | No | 129 | Mikkayla Myers | 10243 | 55 | 2022 | No | 130 | Cody Menasco | 10184 | 55 | 2022 | No | 131 | Sarah Bachelder | 10044 | 55 | 2022 | No | 132 | Erica Schlesinger | 10114 | 55 | 2022 | No | 133 | Victoria Marsh | 9322 | 55 | 2022 | No | 134 | Autumn Schmuck | 6079 | 55 | 2022 | No | 135 | Patricia Highlander | 4974 | 55 | 2022 | No | 136 | Margie Woodford | 4616 | 55 | 2022 | No | 137 | Elizabeth Ecklund | 4715 | 55 | 2022 | No | 138 | DeWayne Brown | 1457 | 55 | 2022 | No | 139 | Darcy Bean | 1838 | 55 | 2022 | No | 140 | Kathy Bray | 3582 | 50 | 2022 | No | 141 | Naomi Preston | 3922 | 50 | 2022 | No | 142 | Bobbie Knapp | 4599 | 50 | 2022 | No | 143 | Tally Wren | 4919 | 50 | 2022 | No | 144 | Cassee Terry | 4892 | 50 | 2022 | No | 145 | Jackie Everett | 4954 | 50 | 2022 | No | 146 | Stephanie Chase | 6005 | 50 | 2022 | No | 147 | Tara Rothwell | 6025 | 50 | 2022 | No | 148 | Carrie Loughry | 6116 | 50 | 2022 | No | 149 | Kayla Cameron | 10047 | 50 | 2022 | No | 150 | Karen Pate | 9631 | 50 | 2022 | No | 151 | Tamara Baysinger | 9720 | 50 | 2022 | No | 152 | Jodie Lynn Joines | 9461 | 35 | 2022 | No | 153 | Holly Haddenham | 9426 | 30 | 2022 | No | 154 | Cornelius Girod | 6130 | 30 | 2022 | No | 155 | Deborah Haag | 4930 | 30 | 2022 | No | 156 | Don Depuy | 3270 | 30 | 2022 | No | 157 | April Depuy | 3271 | 30 | 2022 | No | 158 | Libby Kalkoske | 2863 | 30 | 2022 | No | 159 | Susan McLain | 910 | 30 | 2022 | No | 160 | Christine Karas | 9578 | 30 | 2022 | No | 161 | Janell Wolfe | 10123 | 30 | 2022 | No | 162 | Michael Mckelvie | 10125 | 25 | 2022 | No | 163 | Sarah Martin | 10133 | 25 | 2022 | No | 164 | Denise Gunderson | 10100 | 25 | 2022 | No | 165 | Sian Case | 10101 | 25 | 2022 | No | 166 | Summer Martell | 10118 | 25 | 2022 | No | 167 | Hannah Schlesinger | 10113 | 25 | 2022 | No | 168 | Sarah Aleshire | 9865 | 25 | 2022 | No | 169 | Donna Lacy-Bacon | 1633 | 25 | 2022 | No | 170 | Stacy Livermore | 4551 | 25 | 2022 | No | 171 | Robin Redman | 4508 | 25 | 2022 | No | 172 | Rose Corey | 4760 | 25 | 2022 | No | 173 | Jamethiel Morse | 4730 | 25 | 2022 | No | 174 | Sherry Brown | 4688 | 25 | 2022 | No | 175 | Kathleen Ratcliff | 4624 | 25 | 2022 | No | 176 | Terri Powell | 4589 | 25 | 2022 | No | 177 | Margo Mittge | 6092 | 25 | 2022 | No | 178 | Beth Meenaghan | 9551 | 25 | 2022 | No | 179 | Mark E Borden | 9309 | 25 | 2022 | No | 180 | Erin Borden | 9310 | 25 | 2022 | No |
Top 3 High Mileage Young RiderYoung Riders with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies. Standings:
Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | RideYear | Minimum Eligibility Met |
1 | Laura Rheingans | 9846 | 275 | 2022 | Yes | 2 | Makenzie Pierce-Redman | 4509 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 3 | Shae Johnson | 9357 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 4 | Greta Berner | 4272 | 50 | 2022 | No |
Top 3 High Mileage JuniorJunior with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiplehorses may be ridden. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies
Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | RideYear | Minimum Eligibility Met |
1 | Joslynn Terry | 4896 | 535 | 2022 | Yes | 2 | Roriana Lengtat | 9857 | 225 | 2022 | Yes | 3 | Ansley McCabe | 8158 | 215 | 2022 | Yes | 4 | Saylor Mayer | 4591 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 5 | Clara Shumway | 4737 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 6 | Jayli Mayer | 4770 | 200 | 2022 | Yes | 7 | Nicole Mayfield | 4648 | 155 | 2022 | Yes | 8 | Jacelyn Butler | 9218 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 9 | Aaby Lavway | 10108 | 130 | 2022 | Yes | 10 | Emilee Randal Jr | 10112 | 105 | 2022 | Yes | 11 | Taylor Pearlston | 9868 | 80 | 2022 | Yes | 12 | Irene Polishuk Jr | 10234 | 50 | 2022 | No | 13 | Tanner Hamilton | 10146 | 30 | 2022 | No | 14 | Georgia Glidden | 4944 | 30 | 2022 | No | 15 | Casey Link | 10161 | 25 | 2022 | No |
Top 5 Golden YearsGolden Years riders (age 65 or older as of January 1) with the highest total accumulated points (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement applies.
Place | MemberName | PNERID | TotalPoints | Minimum Eligibility Met |
1 | Nance Worman | 2862 | 992 | Yes | 2 | R.G. Root | 1247 | 781 | Yes | 3 | Max Merlich | 3763 | 688.625 | Yes | 4 | Suzanne Hayes | 883 | 500 | Yes | 5 | Bianca Chevalier | 3498 | 490 | Yes | 6 | Sandra Cheek | 1005 | 478.625 | Yes | 7 | Becky Osborne | 3459 | 371.625 | Yes | 8 | Carol Giles | 1004 | 339.375 | Yes | 9 | Wade Mauhl | 5970 | 317.5 | Yes | 10 | Lynne Mahoney | 3808 | 286 | Yes | 11 | Ona Lawrence | 1542 | 275 | Yes | 12 | Nicola Maughn | 6174 | 255 | Yes | 13 | Joan Zachary | 4948 | 222 | Yes | 14 | Bobbi Walker | 4687 | 220 | Yes | 15 | Karen Bumgarner | 382 | 212.5 | Yes | 16 | Kathy Thompson | 4265 | 207.5 | Yes | 17 | Susan Kellogg | 4400 | 200 | Yes | 18 | Nora Mains | 9318 | 196 | Yes | 19 | Terre O'Brennan | 1546 | 195 | Yes | 20 | Joyce Sousa | 9272 | 180 | No | 21 | Chris Samson | 2122 | 175 | Yes | 22 | Karen Steenhof | 1319 | 127.5 | Yes | 23 | Lorna Christopherson | 4482 | 109 | Yes | 24 | Karen Vining | 841 | 105 | No | 25 | Carlene Benson | 3371 | 105 | No | 26 | Beth Skaggs | 1562 | 105 | Yes | 27 | Kayla Cameron | 10047 | 92.5 | No | 28 | Charlotte Morgan | 3814 | 80 | Yes | 29 | Darcy Bean | 1838 | 80 | No | 30 | Karen Pate | 9631 | 75 | No | 31 | Tally Wren | 4919 | 65 | No | 32 | Lois Fox | 2033 | 60 | No | 33 | Jackie Everett | 4954 | 55 | No | 34 | Kathy Bray | 3582 | 50 | No | 35 | Naomi Preston | 3922 | 50 | No | 36 | Tara Rothwell | 6025 | 50 | No | 37 | Susan McLain | 910 | 30 | No | 38 | April Depuy | 3271 | 30 | No | 39 | Donna Lacy-Bacon | 1633 | 25 | No | 40 | Margo Mittge | 6092 | 25 | No | 41 | Stacy Livermore | 4551 | 25 | No | 42 | LuAnn De Young | 4772 | 0 | No | 43 | Glenna Van Buskirk | 9444 | 0 | No | 44 | Carlos Martinez | 9976 | 0 | No |
My First 100 - Sponsored by Charleen FarrellA rider of any age having completed their first one-day 100-mile event is celebrated. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The first completed one-day 100-mile event must be witin the PNER region and the minimum completion requirement does not apply. An enrollment submittal must be sent to the Awards Coordinator at by December 1 to verify eligibility requirements have been met. A list of eligible recipients will be forwarded to the award sponsor. |
Junior 100-Mile - Sponsored by Layne LewisAny Junior rider completing a one-day 100-mile event within the PNER region is honored. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The minimum completion requirement does not apply. |
Beth Bliss Memorial Top 3 High Mileage Novice SeniorTo encourage and commend the newer endurance rider who has limited experience. Seniors with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. Beth Bliss was known for being prepared for anything. She was a nurse, a kind and compassionate person. She invited newcomers to join her on rides and was a generous mentor/teacher/coach who loved introducing people tothe sport of endurance. When PNER lost Beth, it was fitting that this award carries her legacy, exemplifying the spirit ofendurance and teamwork that Beth so valued. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The Senior rider with no more than 150 accumulated lifetime miles(endurance and/or limited distance) on January 1 is eligible to compete for this award. The minimum completionrequirement applies.
This was previously an award requiring a nomination form. Since it was often overlooked, it has now been automated. If you are not in the list below, but believe you should be, please contact Eligible Riders: Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | Minimum Eligibility Met | Previous Year Mileage |
1 | Lindsey Sears | 4905 | 85 | Yes | 50 | 2 | Shana Bobbitt | 9930 | 75 | Yes | | 3 | Sarah Eaketts | 10185 | 105 | No | | 4 | Joy Girod | 9906 | 60 | No | 30 | 5 | Sarah Bachelder | 10044 | 55 | No | 0 | 6 | Mikkayla Myers | 10243 | 55 | No | | 7 | Cody Menasco | 10184 | 55 | No | | 8 | Erica Schlesinger | 10114 | 55 | No | | 9 | Cassee Terry | 4892 | 50 | No | | 10 | Holly Haddenham | 9426 | 30 | No | 105 | 11 | Janell Wolfe | 10123 | 30 | No | | 12 | Cornelius Girod | 6130 | 30 | No | 30 | 13 | Deborah Haag | 4930 | 30 | No | 65 | 14 | Denise Gunderson | 10100 | 25 | No | | 15 | Erin Borden | 9310 | 25 | No | | 16 | Hannah Schlesinger | 10113 | 25 | No | | 17 | Mark E Borden | 9309 | 25 | No | | 18 | Michael Mckelvie | 10125 | 25 | No | | 19 | Sarah Aleshire | 9865 | 25 | No | 75 | 20 | Sherry Brown | 4688 | 25 | No | 25 | 21 | Sian Case | 10101 | 25 | No | | 22 | Summer Martell | 10118 | 25 | No | |
Top 3 High Mileage Novice JuniorTo encourage and commend the newer endurance rider who has limited experience. Juniors with the highest total accumulated miles (endurance and/or limited distance) are recognized. Multiple horses may be ridden. ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The Junior rider with no more than 300 accumulated lifetime miles(endurance and/or limited distance) on January 1 is eligible to compete for this award. The minimum completion requirement applies. This was previously an award requiring a nomination form. Since it was often overlooked, it has now been automated. If you are not in the list below, but believe you should be, please contact As of 8/1/2022:
Place | MemberName | PNERid | TotalMiles | Minimum Eligibility Met | Previous Year Mileage |
1 | Taylor Pearlston | 9868 | 80 | Yes | 30 | 2 | Taylor Pearlston | 9868 | 80 | No | 30 | 3 | Tanner Hamilton | 10146 | 60 | No | | 4 | Irene Polishuk Jr | 10234 | 50 | No | | 5 | Casey Link | 10161 | 25 | No | |