Ride Calendar

Ride Calendar 

NOTE1: Click on the blue ride
names below for the ride flyers.
NOTE2: Scroll past the ride list for
links to sanctioning organization
ride lists, ride entry forms, and
additional info for ride managers.

2025 Ride Calendar - Here's the latest list
of rides on a handy map and a printable
list. And for the geeks who like to plan
on a spreadsheet!


#RideEvent DateStateorganizationWebsite
1Battle of the Flatlands04/05/2025WAAERCQR code on flyer
2Grizzly Mountain04/12/2025ORAERChttps://grizzlymtnride.com/
3Rail Trail Distance Ride04/19/2025WAEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
4Eagle Canyon04/26/2025IDAERChttps://thesweatyequestrian.com/eaglecanyonenduranceride/
5Still Prineville05/02/2025ORAERC
6Don't Fence Me In05/17/2025WAEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
7Mary & Anna Memorial05/24/2025ORAERChttps://www.MaryAndAnnaMemorialRide.com
8City of Rocks05/30/2025IDAERChttps://rideclimb.com/ultra
9The Old Wagon Trail06/07/2025BCERABChttps://www.erabc.com
10Trout Lake06/07/2025WAEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
11Pacific Crest06/20/2025ORAERChttps://www.pacificcrestendurance.com/
12Merritt Mountain Magic06/28/2025BCERABChttps://www.erabc.com
13Santiam Cascade06/28/2025ORAERC
14Midnight Rider 07/04/2025WAAERChttps://form.jotform.com/MidnightRide/MR25
15Bandit Springs07/11/2025ORAERC
15Diamond in the Rough07/12/2025WAEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
16Crazy Daze07/19/2025WAAERC
17Field of Dreams07/19/2025BCERABChttps://www.erabc.com
18Top O The World Pioneer07/25/2025IDAERC
19Big Sky Memorial08/02/2025MTEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
20Highland Valley08/16/2025BCERABChttps://enduranceridersassocofbc.wildapricot.org/events
21Ft Lewis Challenge08/16/2025WAAERCQR code on flyer
22Selkirk Distance Derby08/23/2025WAEDRAhttps://www.equinedistanceriding.com
23Old Selam Pioneer08/29/2025IDAERChttp://www.endurance.net/switdr/
24Heather Bradshaw Memorial09/13/2025BCERABChttps://www.erabc.com
25Prater Mountain09/13/2025IDAERC
26Ride the Loup09/20/2025WAEDRAhttp://www.ridetheloup.weebly.com
27Lava Cast Forest Mem Ride09/20/2025ORAERC
28Bare Bones09/27/2025WAAERC
29Black Hills Bonanza10/04/2025WAAERCQR code on flyer
30Trick or Trot10/25/2025IDAERCQR code on flyer

PNER rides are held throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana and British Columbia.  

PNER recognizes rides sanctioned through the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), Equine Distance Riding Association (EDRA), and Equestrian Canada - administered through Endurance Riders Association of British Columbia (ERABC).  Links with more details on these rides are provided below.

Click here to view AERC’s ride schedule
Click here to view EDRA’s ride schedule
Click here to view ERABC's  ride schedule 


For rides sanctioned by AERC, use the following:  PNER/AERC Ride Entry Form 

For rides sanctioned by EDRA, use the following:  PNER/EDRA Ride Entry Form 


Ride Managers:  Depending upon the sanctioning organization, please use the applicable Excel Ride Results Template below.  Sample data is provided in the Start Time and Hold Time columns as an example, so that Ride Time is calculated for you.  If you have questions or problems accessing the template, please don't hesitate to contact the PNER Points Secretary at points@pner.net

AERC - PNER Ride Results Template

EDRA - PNER Ride Results Template

Additional note for Ride Managers:
Here's a link to the Mary & Anna youth ride fee reimbursement form as well as instructions on how to fill it out.