Ambassador Award Winners

from Lois Fox - 4/2/2020
-if anyone has more detail, please send to Lois and/or Marlene

We have a list of all of the Veteran Horse Award winners and the annual overall Rider/Horse champions. They are posted under Awards/Historical Data on the PNER website. The Ambassador Award in my mind is equally significant to PNER history. PNER began in 1974, but I only go back to 1986., I thought that list would be a good start. I found some interesting award information that I didn't know in the process. From 1986-1991 the award was called the Gene Petersen Memorial Award. "Presented annually by PNER in honor of Gene Petersen, an endurance rider who died suddenly in Oct 1979. Gene was always there to help, he never knew a stranger and made everyone feel welcome. The honor goes to the rider or non-rider that exemplifies that same helpful, friendly spirit."

In 1989 a second award was added, the Ambassador Award. The description said it was in "honor of Wayne Stobie and would be awarded to a ride manager who demonstrated a high regard for horse welfare." In 1991 the 2 named awards were consolidated into one Ambassador Award. The early handbooks did not include BOD actions or minutes, so it's hard to tell how these 2 awards evolved into one. The description adopted for the combined award is very similar to the Gene Petersen award and remains that way today.

My only research tool is the annual handbooks. From 1992-2001 no Ambassador Awards were listed. I am hoping some of you "Old Timers" may be able to fill in some of the blank years. Send me any info you might have. Once I have as complete a list as possible, I'll ask Stace and Marlene to post it on the PNER website. Thanks so much and stay safe.

List of identified Ambassador Award Winners

1974-1985: No information

1986: Gene Petersen Memorial Award to Walt Deuer

1987: Gene Petersen Memorial Award to Wayne Stobie

1988: No mention in handbook

1989: Gene Petersen Memorial Award toMyrna McMurtz

Ambassador Award to Pam Halladay & Bob Morton

1990: Gene Petersen Memorial Award to Karen Paulo (Bumgarner)

Ambassador to Heidi Erickson (Brautigam)

1991: 2 awards combined into Ambassador Award: CJ & Linda Johnson

1992-2001: No mention in handbook

2002: Donnie & Patty Scott

2003: Ted & Joyce Brown, Gordon Westergard, Ona Lawrence, Anna Sampson

2004: Lois Fox

2005: Lori Walker

2006: Mary Nunn

2007: Aarene Storms & Jim Beidle

2008: Mona Thacker

2009: Brenda Casebeer

2010: Don Perry

2011: Susan Favro

2012: Max Merlich

2013: Clarence Nunn & Gilbert Sampson

2014: Carlene & Wally Benson

2015: Gail Williams

2016: Tani Bates

2017: Sue Summers

2018: Karen Leiman & Sue McLain

2019: Kathy Bray

2020: LuAnn DeYoung

2021: Wally Benson

2022: Diane and Gerry Luternauer

2023: Becky Osborne

2024: Beth Skaggs