Note: There will likely be small changes and details added. Here's a printable color-coded version
PNER Convention Schedule
Thursday February 20, 2025
6-8pm | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Susan Garlinghouse: Lecture on Calcium ($30) select CE lecture on the Registration entry, this is now open to everyone. Light dinner included. |
Friday February 21, 2025
Tack sale starts at 7:30am, Coffee service at 8:00am
8am | FOYER | Registration: Make sure to buy raffle tickets! |
8:30-9:30am | JUNIPER HALL | Tamara Baysinger: Build UP! Learn how to strengthen and fuel yourself to start the season STRONG! |
9:30-10:45am | JUNIPER HALL | Layne Lewis: Build BACK! Strategies using targeted strength training and nutrition to aid in recovery from injuries. |
9-10am | ROOM GE CD | Scott Collins: First Aid on the trail (30 minutes lecture and 30 minutes Q & A) |
10-10:45am | ROOM GE CD | Scott Collins: Working in small groups to practice emergency bandaging. (45 minutes) Pre-Registration required (20) |
9-11am | TBD | Alex Lewis: Open Hours for the President. Discuss your ideas for the upcoming year! |
11-12:30am | JUNIPER HALL | Peggy Cummings: It’s physics! How the laws of physics are critical to consider in optimizing your success with your horse. |
1-2pm | JUNIPER HALL | Cassee Terry - learn what the PNER Blood machine (Camilla) can do for you and your horse as well as education on running the machine as volunteers are needed. |
1-2pm | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Marketing/Website committee hosted by David Lewis |
2-2:45pm | JUNIPER HALL | Lora Bannon: Mustangs in Endurance: Mustang 101- From Range to Riding ( 45 minutes with 15 minutes of questions) |
2-3pm | ROOM GE CD | A refresher for Ride Management and Volunteers
2-3pm | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Financial Committee meeting |
3-4:30 | ROOM GE CD | Susan Garlinghouse: Beating the metabolic pull Juniors are highly encouraged to attend this event. |
6pm | JUNIPER HALL | Lightning talk by Stevie Delahunt: How to do Hard Things |
8-11pm | JUNIPER HALL | Casino Night |
PNER Convention Schedule - continued
Saturday February 22, 2025
6:30-7:30pm | ROOM GE CD | Yoga |
8am | FOYER | Registration / Coffee service |
7:30-8am | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Ride Managers Meeting |
8-8:30 | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | LuAnn De Young: Introduction to CTR and how to cohost with an endurance ride. |
8:30-9am | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Jeff Tyrens: Training bootcamp for endurance in Sisters Oregon. Informal Q and A for volunteers and riders. |
8-9am | ROOM GE CD | Lightning Talks
9-10am | JUNIPER HALL | Holly Corcoran: My endurance journey- a long and winding road. (Via Zoom) Please bring questions and be ready to engage! JUNIORS ENCOURGED |
9-10am | ROOM GE CD | Harris Statem LMF : Interpreting a hay analysis |
10-11:30am | JUNIPER HALL | Susan Garlinghouse: Running on Empty |
12-1pm | JUNIPER HALL | Annual Meeting |
1-2pm | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | Pizza Party with Cassee Terry: Showing for BC JUNIORS ONLY |
1-2:15 | JUNIPER HALL | Peggy Cummings: Riding tools for releasing tension, dealing with fatigue and recovery. |
2:30-4pm | ROOM GE CD | JUNIORS ONLY Peggy Cummings: Tools that will help you and your horse have better, safer, and more fun rides. Bring photos or videos of you riding. Please be ready to participate- What was your best ride ever and why? What was your worst ride and why? |
2:30-4pm | JUNIPER HALL | Susan Garlinghouse: Rocket Fuel |
7pm | JUNIPER HALL | Award Ceremony and Dinner (Italian buffet at 7pm with bar service from 6-9pm) |
PNER Convention Schedule - continued
Sunday February 23
7-10am | HIGH DESERT HOSPITALITY ROOM | BOD meeting (Continental Breakfast provided by PNER) |